The fundraising event for the windows is over.
Thank you for your donations!
Welcome to the window and door fundraising event for our new Guest Lodge!
In about four weeks 20 windows with a total value of 8700€ (~10.150 Dollar) will be delivered to our center. Also, we are searching good offers for two oriel windows (estimated cost of 10,000 € each, ~12,000 Dollar).
Our goal is to raise the money required by the end of this year. To achieve this goal we need your support!
On the right side of the website you will find all necessary information about how to donate.
There are two different ways to donate:
1. Finance a complete window or door unit
Further down the website you will find a list of all the window and door units. All the units that are already financed will be marked accordingly. For financing a complete unit, please specify the amount of your donation with the corresponding unit number (eg: “Window A01“).
2. Finance a portion of a window or door unit
If you are unable to finance and entire unit, it is also possible for you to finance just a portion of a unit. In total we need about 52m² of windows.
The prices for the window sections are:
1m² = 170 € (~198 Dollar)
In this way it is possible for you to donate whatever amount is affordable for you. For this purpose, please specify the donation using “window area“.
Donations for “oriel windows”
- A01500€
- A05500€
- A02500€
- A06500€
- A03500€
- A07500€
- A04500€
- A08500€
- B01260€
- B05260€
- B07260€
- B02260€
- E01est. 10.000€*
- B03260€
- B06520€
- B08520€
- B04260€
- E02est. 10.000€*
*estimated value; we are currently waiting for offers
- C01260€
- C02210€
- C03260€
- C04210€
Thank you for your support!
Bank Accounts
Currently it is possible for you to pay through bank transfer to one of our bank accounts. If you are donating from North America you can donate to our USD or EURO bank account using the following information:
As. Purtătorii de Făclie