My name is Jonathan Beck but almost everybody just calls me Jona.
The first time I was at PdF was still as a little boy and basically I grew up with the ministry of Torchbearers Romania. I could experience it from the beginning how God builds his kingdom through the people and the ministry here. Later on, I helped as a volunteer on camps and experience personally how God works and I grow in my relationship with him.
Since April 2021 I am part of the PdF staff team and work in the outdoor ministry program. I serve here by planning and leading of the outdoor camps and programs. Which are the ski camps in the winter season and in summer the mountain survival camp, Max Bike, the Hiking camp and the adventure bible school ASCENT.
I love to be active with people in the mountains, to see God in his wonderful creation and to serve Jesus through Christ-centered experiential learning and see how he changes hearts.